Coronavirus Hub
Welcome to our wellness hub. This has been a difficult time for many of us, but we made it through and that is incredible.
The global pandemic has had untold impacts on not only physical but also mental health. So this space is here to nourish and support your mental wellbeing. The hub includes a selection of wellness tools and people you can speak to.
Please also consider speaking to your GP about any mental health worries.

How can your phone be a positive part of supporting mental wellbeing over this time?

Mobile Apps
Daily Uplift and Relaxation
Shine (see apps)
Meditation Game (App store, Android store)
Struggle Sleeping*
Loona (App store, Android store)
Headspace (App store, Android store)
Tackling Negative Thoughts
Thought Diary (App store, Android store)
Wysa (see apps)
Couch to 5k (App store, Android store)
Yoga on YouTube
*turning off your phone an hour before going to bed can help you sleep.
Explore a range of links to Covid-19 related tips and advice:
Creative Calm
Creative ways that art can be used help you feel more at ease or connected over this time. We will be continuing to share new videos, activities and podcasts, so do check back.
Mindful Watching
Try this Mindful Looking practice with Alma Thomas’ painting ‘Pansies in Washington’ (here on the National Gallery of Art).

Jan-Feb Activity
Music can sometimes help shift our mood and uplift us on those tough days. Artists like Kelsey Lu have been experimenting more and more with how music frequencies can impact us.
My Playlist
Create your own special playlist of things that uplift you. It could be a collection of links or an actual playlist of music, podcast episodes, videos, or songs.
Bonus task: Get creative and make your own album cover for it. We used Canva to make ours.
Keep it somewhere safe and when you need it, press play.
Feeling Lonely
Loneliness can make us feel we are distant from those around us, even if we are surrounded by people. Right now, you may be struggling with feeling both physically and mentally isolated. We know all too well that in those moments it can be so hard to pick-up the phone, even if you might want to. That's okay, but know that there is a way through this, it can pass, and you are not alone.
The NHS have advice on tackling feelings of loneliness.
Mashable have a great article with some tips that we have used ourselves in the past, so check them out.
Our favourite loneliness tackling tips
Plan it out
Creating a little call rota to encourage you to reach out to friends or family more regularly.
For some of us we may not have those people we feel we can reach out to right now. This can change but if you don't feel able to connect with people you know, why not call or email Samaritans or if you are under 25 consider The Mix. Both have really patient and friendly people you can talk to about how you are feeling.
Getting honest
Sharing how you are feeling right now.
Many people are feeling lonely, opening up to someone you feel comfortable with might help you both be there for each other. Letting people know how you feel and what you need from them, might help them to be there for you too.
Giving your time to something rewarding and connecting with others can help challenge that feeling of isolation. (Here are a few site with online volunteering opportunities: Do It, Reach Volunteering and more.)
We have used this ourselves. Living in quietness can make you feel even more alone, so Mashable's tip of throwing on a chatty conversational podcast to get into is a method we definitely endorse.
Challenging these feelings is important so do check out the NHS advice or Mashable’s suggestions. You will get past this, we just hope these tips help you get there faster.