Waltham Forest Wellbeing Hub
Welcome to For Her's Waltham Forest Wellbeing Hub. A space created to share mental health and wellbeing tools and services with women in the Waltham Forest area. The Hub includes a selection of mental health options, women's organisations, wellbeing apps, and people you can speak to for emotional support.

The pandemic has impacted peoples lives in many different ways. So, we have put together some helpful links to services in Waltham Forest and resources online for this difficult time.

Mental Health.
This is a challenging time for mental health and mental wellbeing. You might be struggling with long-term mental health challenges or feelings of isolation and loneliness, whatever it is there's help available.
In Waltham Forest you can access free NHS therapy through your GP or Waltham Forest Talking Therapies. You can refer yourself to the service via the website and access individual therapy or group therapy.
If currently you are struggling with your mental health or experiencing thoughts of suicide or self- harm, sharing how you are feeling can really help. You can use these lines and connect with compassionate support:
Call Mental Health Direct 0300 555 1000
Call Samaritans 116 123
Text Shout 85258
Explore other helplines.

Mental Health + Wellbeing Apps
On For Her we list a variety of well-being and mental health apps - so you can find the right option for you. Mobile and web-based apps can help people you nurture and care for your mental wellbeing each day.
Waltham Forest residents are able to access SilverCloud a tool for managing stress, anxiety and depression.
Explore a small selection of apps below and click here to see our full list of mental health and wellbeing apps.
SilverCloud, an app to help manage stress, anxiety anxiety and depression.
Kooth: free, safe and anonymised mental health support for young people.
Woebot, a chat-based mental health and well-being tool.
MeeTwo, a safe space for teenagers to discuss any issue affecting their lives.
My Possible Self, a mental health app to help people manage stress, anxiety and low moods.

This is an especially difficult time for those dealing with abuse. Know that there is support out there and you are not alone in this.
Sharing Local Support
We have shared below some local domestic abuse services in Waltham Forest, Helplines and Live Chat options for speaking to someone if you are unable to use a helpline.

Local Services
Support in the Waltham Forest Area
Waltham Forest Local Council have put together guidance on domestic abuse and a variety of services you can access. We have relisted below some of the services available in Waltham Forest.
Waltham Forest Solace Women’s Aid
Ashiana Network
Specifically for South Asian, Turkish and Iranian women
Haven the Survivors of Abuse Network
For survivors of sexual abuse
Kiran Project
For women from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds 020 8558 1986
Stay Safe East
For Deaf and disabled individuals
020 8519 7241 or text 07587 134 122
For Turkish, Kurdish and Turkish Cypriot women
The National Domestic Violence Helpline is available 24/7 on 0800 2000 247.
Galop run a LGBTQ+ domestic violence helpline, 0800 999 5428 and a live chat.
SignHealth offer support those who are Deaf, you can text or WhatsApp 07970 350366 or call 020 3947 2601.
Ascent offer an advice line for women who have experienced any form of gender-based violence, 0808 801 0660.

Live Chats
Can’t Call a Helpline?
If you are isolating with an abusive partner or just feel unable to make a call over this time, you can still speak to someone. Many domestic violence services are offering live chat options, where you can speak to trained support confidentially online:
Refuge are offering a Live Chat helpline and an online webform for women who have experienced or are dealing with abuse.
Women's Aid run confidential and supportive Live Chat and email option for women who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Rape Crisis England have a Live Chat for women and girls who have experienced sexual violence.
Victim Support offer confidential Live Chat support for anyone seeking support after being affected by a crime.