Domestic Abuse Support during Covid-19
For those experiencing domestic violence or abuse this period has been especially hard. While, you might feel unsafe and isolated, know that you are not alone.
You are taking a great step reaching out for support and we will do all we can to connect you with people who can help. We have collected information and guidance on staying safe over this time. If you are living with an abuser or unable to make calls, do not worry, there are online options available to help you speak with someone without needing to call a helpline.
We will keep adding resources in this Hub so do check back.

Advice + Information
Covid-19 Resources
Access Women's Aid’s safety advice here; created to help survivors of domestic abuse stay safe during Covid-19.
They have put together an online resource with tips, advice and key contacts.
In a rush? Read the quick-read version of their advice via the download link here.
SafeLives have also created guidance on safety planning during Covid-19.
Find Support
For Her has collected a range of services designed for women experiencing domestic violence and abuse. Explore apps (with personal safety tools), find helplines and live chats, and many more specialist services.
Your Wellbeing
Mind, a mental health charity, have put together a helpful guide for taking care of your wellbeing over this period.
Your GP and local women’s organisations can help you access counselling and mental health support for survivors of abuse, so do reach out to them.
Speak to Someone Online
It can be difficult to speak to someone over the phone, especially if you are self-isolating with someone abusive. But there are still so many ways you can access support. If you are unable to make calls, we have put together a few options for you.
Consider using online live chats to speak with trained support.
Connect over Live Chat
Refuge are offering a Live Chat helpline and an online webform for women who have experienced or are dealing with abuse.
Women's Aid run confidential and supportive Live Chat and email option for women who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Rape Crisis England have a Live Chat for women and girls who have experienced sexual violence.
Victim Support offer confidential Live Chat support for anyone seeking support after being affected by a crime.
These organisations provide a supportive listening ear and a space to discuss options with trained support workers. You can express yourself free of judgement and in confidence. We know it's difficult but they are there for you, so don't hesitate to get in touch.