Online Safety
Are you worried that someone might be able to see the websites you are visiting?
Safer browsing online
There are many ways we can make our browsing experience feel safer. Websites can be removed from your browsing history and you can exit this website at any point. Women's Aid have put together a brief page of guidance for covering your tracks online and we have some tips below:
Exit Button
To leave the site quickly you can use the Exit Site button on this website. It is in the top right corner ↗ when browsing using your desktop or tablet and it is in the menu list if you are using a mobile. The Exit Site button will leave the site but it will not delete the website from your browsing history.
Private Browsing
Private browsing allows you to browse a website without saving your browsing activity (like the websites you've visited) to your history.
You can find the guidance on how to enable private browsing via these links: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.
Delete your browsing history
Browsers automatically save certain information as you use the internet, this includes: images on websites, things you have searched for and websites you've visited. But you can delete websites from your browsing history.
Find the guidance on how to delete a website from your particular browser’s history by clicking the links: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.